Trollin’s Software for macOS

Thank you for your visit !

Here you can download the latest versions of Trollin’s software for Mac.
For earlier versions, please check the archive.
  «Attention: never download packages offered somewhere as "free", which can be infected! »

Please test an app of your interest before purchase to see if it works as you expect.
If you decide to keep using it:

▪ Please click the respective app's 'Add to FastSpring Order' button at this site and purchase your license code at the FastSpring (FS) secure order site.

▪ Once your payment is processed successfully at FS, your license info is displayed there immediately and then emailed to you.

▪ Please enter the info in the fields provided in the respective app.

iconStiX is available on the Mac App Store (MAS) as well.

Important Notice:

∙  The prices mentioned here are given in U.S. dollar. Depending on where you live, they are shown in other currencies and VAT may be added to your purchase total if applicable. FS and MAS prices may not match due to different price setting options available and exchange rates applied.

∙  Because license codes cannot be returned like physical products and even refunded orders trigger transaction fees, refund is in principle not accepted. Thanks for your kind understanding.

∙  License codes are basically assumed to belong to a person. As to institutions, please obtain a code per terminal.

∙  Please note the MAS version is NOT exchangeable with a standard (non-MAS) version (and vice versa) due to different licensing systems. Once you purchase iconStiX on the MAS, get updates there and never use a version downloaded from this site.

∙  Trollin holds the copyright of the software. No attempt to discover or modify the source codes is permitted.

∙  Although the best efforts are made to offer useful and up-to-date apps, the apps are provided on an 'as is' basis without any other warranties or conditions expressed or implied. Trollin shall have no liability to you (end-user) for any damages whatsoever arising out of your use of, or inability to use, the software.

∙  Trollin reserves the right to discontinue any app by any possible reason, such as obsoleteness and replacement with apps newly developed. As mentioned, however, the best efforts are made to keep the apps in a satisfactory state, so please kindly contact Trollin if you find bugs, mentioning how to reproduce the issue. Thank you!
(I normally reply to you in a few days. If you get no reply longer, please make sure you do not block my emails by spam filters.)

∙  All the information given at this site is subject to change.

Privacy Policy:

∙  No personal data is collected by Trollin.
As to FS and MAS, please refer their respective privacy policy: FastSpring® Privacy Statement and Apple Customer Privacy Policy.

Possible issue by frequent icon change:
Frequent icon change may result in hindering proper icon change.
Then, clearing caches can be effective:
«Warning: don't forget backup and try when you have enough time on your own risk.»
Launch the "Terminal" app and enter the following command:
sudo rm -rf /Library/Caches/
After pressing the return-key, you need to enter your password.
Then, enter the next command:
sudo find /private/var/folders/ -name -exec rm -rf {} \; -prune
Press the return-key and enter the last one:
killall -SIGTERM cfprefsd
Then, quit "Terminal" and restart the computer.

image ColoFolXS   v.2.2.2 for macOS 11- (ca.14.1MB)  download

USD 5    Show Order Contents

Important Notice for Users of ColoFolX (MAS version):
Though ColoFolXS (v.1.4.1-2.2.2) works if ColoFolX is installed legitimately, such support will be terminated in upcoming versions due to several deprecated APIs. As noted since ColoFolX was discontinued in November 2015, if you send Trollin a copy of the Mac App Store receipt for ColoFolX using the same email address mentioned there, you will get a ColoFolXS code. This offer is now valid till the end of September 2024. Thanks for your understanding.

A compact icon tool to color folders.
image iconStiX   v.4.6 for macOS 13- (ca.6.3 MB)  download
  (Release on Mac App Store shall follow soon.)

USD 7    Show Order Contents  or go to  Mac App Store

Easy-to-use custom icon tool to combine and attach images to desktop items.
image JiXii   v.3.9.1 for macOS 12- (ca.9 MB)  download

USD 7    Show Order Contents

Jigsaw puzzle with your favorite images - relax or challenge with the timer.

Acknowledgement, Archive & History

Copyright 2025, T. Loosli, All rights reserved.
Zurich, Switzerland